The Addmeister


Crazy Calvin...

Ceddy's Mind (Viewer Discretion Advised)
Cwazee Jay
Ryan's Perpetually Non-Delivering Blog

Renegade Paintball (oh yeah)
Thing's Paintball Domain

Check me out!

Sunday, February 29, 2004
"Addy's the trombone queen." -Hogan (and that remark was the one of the night)

"Don't worry Addy...unless Spencer grows a rack like yours, your job is secure." -Hogan

Matt: "Man SARS stock was soo amazing!"
Spencer: "Why? First time seeing a girl's boobs eh?"

Scott: "Come on Addy....I'll let you play with my cocker...."

It's somewhat sad when my life is reduced to me eating semi-warm chunky soup out of the can....

Oh thank you for the midnight shopping Tommy, it was a blast. Hungry man cures all.

I get to go out to a movie on Tuesday, first time in....god i don't know, forever....

I'm tired.

Listen to the lullaby, carbon monoxide.

Saturday, February 28, 2004
"RUDY!" -Hogan yelling at this kid out the window

"You're like my teddy bear....rawr." -Hogan

"It'll be like a quazi-date." -Hogan

"That would've been alot smoother if Addy hadn't bashed her head when she was getting in." -Hogan

"We'll have to resort to HEAVY PETTING!!!" -Hogan

Hogan: "Addy will you be freaked out if I tell you something?"
Me: "Most likely no."
Hogan: "You have a very very sexy neck...."
Me: "...."
Hogan: "God I am so tired...."

Hogan: "ADDY!! BE HAPPY!!"
Me: "How?"
Hogan: "Well want do you want?"
Me: " cream."
Hogan: "Fuck that...too far for you kid."

" that's a drinking game." -Hogan

Yes I realize all my quotes are from Hogan, but really you can't get funnier than him when he's running on zero sleep and 11 cans of coke.

# of hours Addy has slept: 3

# of cans of coke drank today: that can't be good for you (that a 1:3 ratio if you want to get technical)

So I worked a crazy shift again today. I got home not too long ago and just threw up from exhaustion and hunger. maybe partly because of the immense gut rot I had....but meh.

I swear every force that exists in the world was against me playing paintball tonight. First my bolt won't move because there's a ball lodged. Then I fix it and Tommy FORGETS TO PUT THE BOLT BACK IN!! So I chopped massive amounts of paint and had to clean the whole thing. Then I finally get out, and the burst disc in my tank gives out....then I dropped my hopper and it broke in half...breaking all my paint as wasn't pretty to say the least. Hogan was right, I really do just need to go lay down somewhere away from the guns.

So I FINALLY get home, and I'm all excited because I GET TO SLEEP!!! And I go to get a snack, and I find ice cream. I'm all esthatic about this because we never have ice cream. I'm feeling pretty good you know, eating ice cream, going to bed at 11....and then my mom comes down and is like "Oh you found the coffee ice cream eh?"...fuck. So now I'm awake and wired like mad. I'm going to go watch SNL now until 2am.

Even though it sounds like I had a bad day...really it was fun. I mean, a company field trip to Canadian Tire??? HOW STELLAR IS THAT?! And Hogan was super nice today and it was awesome, he called me huggable and it made me the numerous piggy backs and vomit inducing spinning sessions.

I'm going to go make a sandwich. Cool story eh?

For as much as I love autumn, I'm giving myself to ashes.

P.S. Hogan I am soooooo winning the healing contest....BRING IT.


"Addy girl?" -Tommy

"*drops a fry and glares at me*...It was you." -Jeff

Me: "No.."
Guy: "Too bad, if it was, Mike would've said hi."

Hogan: "Are you safely in?"
Me: "Yes."
Hogan: *closes door....only he actually didn't."
Tommy: "Aw he didn't even do it right."

Not many quotes, as I was frantically working today like maaaaad. It was only me, Hogan and Tommy, since everyone took off to Skyball. As soon as I got home I remembered what it was like to sit again, so nice.

Ways people Have pronnounced my name wrong today:
Adele...need I go on?

Me and Jeff are in the same group for media arts, I'm soooooo happy. Although I think I'm with stupid drunk girl that sits beside me. Agh, I have soooo many good ideas for that class I think I'm going to explode. I wanted to copy Every Time I Die's video of Ebolarama, with the rollerskates and all, it would be so cool.

I frigging hate trigonometry with such a passion. I mean honestly, when in my life am I going to be like..."hmm...I really wonder what the tangent of this right triangle is if I measure from this angle. I SHOULD FIND OUT USING MY COSINE FORMULAS!!" I mean honestly, does that sound like me? I think Hogan said it best when he said "Triangles are the fruitiest of all shapes...always causing problems..."

That reminds me, Every Time I Die is soooooooooooooooo GOOD....go listen to them.

You'd make a great secret if I could keep you.

Thursday, February 26, 2004
I would just like to officially say my dillema has been figured out. Now the only thing left is putting my solutions into action. Here I go again....on my own?

Oh and Mike is cool.

Me: "Did you know they sell Nirvana shirts at Bluenotes now?"
Mike: "fuck....Kurt Cobain would freak."


"I like it better with gin!" -Mrs. Soni
"If you stay under your covers too long, you get retarded from the lack of oxygen." -Mrs. Soni again

Me: "Man I look so emo today..."
Stephen: "....*pushes me*"

"IT'S LIKE EXCERCISES!! AND 1....AND 2...." -Jer


"There's a sub on your shelf...and I need to know how old it is so I can tell Hogan if it's safe to eat or not." -Tommy

(except they called me....)

So science today was sooooo funny. My teacher is such an alcoholic, I swear. We learned all of one whole chapter in chemistry by finding some balloons in a circle, I didn't really get it.

So I've met the coolest guy ever (and I know I always say that, but seriously, he's great.), Mike Dow. So cool. I swear me and the guy were seperated at birth. We're so much alike, I've decided to adopt the boy. He will sleep in my studio, surounded by all the amps and guitars. Oh and you should be on the lookout for him in the future, his band Thrift is going to take's Mike's words himself:

im going to become the next kurt cobain and corrupt youth everywhere and write the anthem for that generation, and give everything i dont need to charity

So there, he's cool, and I knew him before he was famous, I rock.

Tempt not a desperate man.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004
No quotes whatsoever, how sad.

My mom came home last night, she felt sorry for me being sick, so she took me out to get my hair done. It's all nice and soft now, I feel pretty. The guy that did my hair was so gay, and me and my mom were laughing about it alot.

I'm sorta proud of myself tonight...I won't say why, but I really am. I stopped myself from doing something, yay.

Oh and dillema report as always....

Dillema is slightly better. Although a bit more complicated, as something else has come up. I don't know what to do yet. I'm sure I'll figure it out on the weekend.

Other than that....they're oblivious.

Did you ever look, did you ever see that one person
and the subtle way that they do these things and it hurts so much?

Tuesday, February 24, 2004
"I did it again..." -Randy

Huzzah for only one quote due to my lack of human contact. I'm really sick again. Apparently I have some crazy stomach virus, so my stomach is practically eating itself to death or something. It really sucks, haha. So I havn't been at school yesterday or today, and probably not tomorrow. I'll have to catch up on so much, man I suck.

I guess Randy finally found himself a full time job. He's going in for training tomorrow as a telemarketer. Now he can annoy the world the way he annoys me every day.

My mom should be coming home tonight, thank god. many oranges.

I'd scratch through glass not to be without you.

Monday, February 23, 2004
Tommy: "yes it's a blessing and a curse."
Hogan: "yeah, like getting kicked in the nuts...and finding a ten on the's like 'Hey ten bucks! But my groin still hurts..."
Tommy: "Yeeah i guess you could put it that way..."
Hogan: "And then you think 'Hey I could use this ten dollars to buy ice...and liquor...very cheap liquor.."

Hahaha, man I JUST remembered that. It was so funny, Hogan you always make me feel better..

Truth #4:
All obstacles are lessons in disguise. Honour them and learn from them.

...I just wish I knew what I was supposed to learn from this.

Damn depression is making me sick, physically.

pressed the seven sequenced silver panic buttons,
the distress calls that fall on a distracted short-wave signal.
a metronome timed to my panic stricken breathing
and a pulse conducted by our dying lines.
you said my heart sounded like a payphone in the rain.
distorted, distant, scrambled and desperate.
baby, i swear to god tonight i am sober.
it's the reception between us that's failing.
everything's coming out all frenzied and confused.
she's got what it takes to make collapsing a habit
and a dance out of a tantrum fit (it's tragic but i am sobering up).
pick up the phone.
tonight i feel like the hero of a rusting war.
my touch has the timing and precision of a car wreck.
no use translating the trembles.
they're symptoms of repetitive testing for fluctuation.
if i come back home, i am bringing back the bends.
so give me a kiss. let me taste the reptilian appeal.
say it again baby. does it turn you on? does it get you hot?
i get a little hysterical sometimes.
the panic you shouldn't have been so sentimental.
all that kicking and screaming.
everything i touch starts peeling.
we malfunction like machines.
get up off the floor and answer the phone.
i want to be a big star.
didn't want to touch so hard.
open the door.
i am your deviant satellite, an orbit defected by the ballast of words.
you're the reason for collisions.
i am face down like a sailor washed up under your window.
tonight is a shipwreck.
navigating through disorder.
now every electric star hums like a telecaster.
how punk rock is that?
you're so oblivious.
baby, you're my oblivion.


Sunday, February 22, 2004
"Hey Addy, why don't you go in a wet t-shirt contest." -Travis like a million times (STOP IT, IT'S SO CREEPY)

Hogan: "Come on Travis!! Stick it to the man!!"
Travis: "Hogan...I am the man."

Hogan: "You'll be beaten because you're a minority!!!"
Travis: "I'M WHITE!! How can I be a minority??"
Hogan: "...YOU'RE DUTCH!!!"

"Addy...quit dealin' crack in my neighborhood." -Hogan about A BAZILLION times

"Addy...your bum is touching my bum...." -Hogan

"Crazy old Addy...." -Tommy

Derek: "It's ok Addy..*rubs my arm where Hogan bit me*"
Me: "aw...thatnks Derek."
Derek: "*keeps rubbing.......keeps rubbing.......keeps rubbing..."

Derek officially has the funniest voice ever. Whenever he talks low it sounds like he's been a chain smoker his whloe life, but when he talks normal sometimes his voice goes crazily high, it's so funny.

That couch in back at work is soooooooo comfy. I've fallen asleep on it so many times now. That couch is my safe haven now, I go there if I'm sad. It's quite nice and quiet...yes...I suck.

I don't want to do anything....aaaagh.

Oh and as for the dillema report...

My dillema is slowly increasing in intensity you could call it. It sucks because there's NOTHING I can really do about it. If I did do something, there's almost no doubt that something VERY bad would happen. I'll probably just sit back....and let things'll hurt so much, but really it's all i can do without screwing up my only safe place.

Sorry for the depressingness of my blogs lately, but my life is slowly going downhill.

Take my heart, set me free, light my fire

Saturday, February 21, 2004
"I'm not paying you to talk...just keep driving." -Travis

Tommy: "We can venture into the 7-11..if you find a chocolate bar..i will buy it for you."
Me: "Sounds almost pedefile like..."
Tommy: "Haha...Adddddy....back into the car, I have chocolate...."

"hey adzzzzzzzie
    paintball mania girl.  i miss ya tons.  go score a hattrick, you're due!  don't shoot all the fellas at paintball.  hi to zach
love ya
-momsville" -My mom's email, i don't know why it was so funny but it was

"My one goal in life is to walk into a room somewhere and shout, 'Luuuuuuuuuuuucy, joo gots some 'splainin' to do!' and have it actually make sense with what was occuring in the room, before I entered." -Mitter

Hogan: "i'll give you 500 paintballs if you can name this band."
Kid: "uh....clash?"
Hogan: " stand in that corner and be ashamed."
(psst....the band was Nine Inch Nails)

"tell me now." -Hogan about a BAZILLION times

"Hey remember like 8 hours ago when I told you to entertain me....yeah I'm still waiting on that." -Hogan

Tommy: "yeah I'm going to BC in the summer."
Tommy: "Oh....ok....a freind of yours I assume. Well where is the town?"
Me: "Uh....I don't know, but there's alot of sharp pointy rocks there."
Tommy: "yeah ok....i'll just go look for SHARP POINTY ROCKVILLE!!"

Today was like any other day. I went to hockey, and we won...wOOt. Then there was work, entertaining as always. I missed Jer's party though, and I was really upset about it. Ah well....I can always show Ben up some other time.

*I go to answer the phone at work, and look at the caller ID*
Chan Jackie

Yes, Jackie Chan called me at work. Hoo Wa!

Here's one to make Cedric laugh:
Feel how good it feels to feel!!

AAAAGH YOU DAMN DILLEMA!! I'm sorry Hogan, I would tell you but it just keeps getting more and more complicated. Fuck it just hurts to type about. God I suck....I need to move on and stop being so stupid.

So I wander, and I wander, your absense beating inside my chest.

Not song of the day: fuck the nazi punx - divided unity

swastika marastika

Zach: "Everyone blue in anime is a Billy."
Me: "Zach...Billy was a real person...he was a power ranger."
Zach: " crap"

"All french animated movies are about sadness...and poodles." -Hogan


"Wow actually looked really cool going around that corner." -Travis

Max: "Addy...can I ask you a question?"
Me: "Shoot."
Max: "How old are you?"
Me: "...15"
Max: "....SHUT UP!"

Tommy: "BE 20!! BE OLDER THAN ME!!"
Me: "But he thought I was 23!"
Tommy: "Sorry're too old for me, there's no chance with us."

Tommy: "Say hi to Sheridan...or Sherbet?? FUCK WHAT'S HIS NAME??"
Me: "Milton...?"
Tommy: "THAT'S THE ONE!!"
(it's funny because Sherbet is NOTHING like Milton)

So I played alot of paintball...and I kicked ALOT of ass. 6 gogs in 1 game, yes Addy rules. I'm gettingso much better thanks to Travis's helpful little pointers, and just copying the way Hogan looks when he plays...ahhh I'll be a superstar in no time (not actually this conceited by the way).

So today Sam kept frigging talking about tubgirl!! I mean honestly!! If you hate it sooo much why must you keep describing it in every detail!! ESPESCIALLY WHEN I'M TRYING TO EAT POUTINE!!!! You people....

I just realized I havn't blogged in like 2 days, how very unlike me...

Other than me trouncing like was relativley boring. Hogan wasn't there, so there was no loudness...or pain in the biting form to speak of. Although me and Tommy got some interesting convo's in there. Like how you always yell at say...a table, if you walk into it. Yet the table is an innanimate object, and it's your own fault for walking into it...wierd eh?....THINK ABOUT IT! (..yeah I will) you won't.

Jer's party is tomorrow...or today since it;s 1am...and I still have no idea how I'm getting there, can anyone give me a ride at 8? puhleeeeese??

Drunk people in back of car = bad
As long as Tommy's there = not so bad
Smell of liquor/coca cola/puke = just as bad


Walking to wall street in a straight jacket.

P.S. If you've ever read Lord of the the book to the lyrics of War All the Time by Thursday, espescially all of Chapter 11 when Piggy I the only one who finds this resemblance terrifying?

Thursday, February 19, 2004
..::The 15 Phenom::.. (l)'s shaNNon! says:
ur angel was fucked
(*)JoSiE(*).you said my heart sounded like a payphone in the rain. (drawing anime) says:
how so?
..::The 15 Phenom::.. (l)'s shaNNon! says:
the SENS was set to 12, it should be set to 9, and the BAS was set to 2, and it was set to 7, i did a trigger job as well, also the gun was really dirty
..::The 15 Phenom::.. (l)'s shaNNon! says:
did hogan fuck around with ur gun

It's kinda funny how he assumes Hogan did it....

Anyways, I stayed home from school today out of sickness, so I have no quotes. Spencer gave my angel some "TLC" as he put it, so I'm excited to use it.

I'm sorry for not telling you about my dillema Hogan. Please don't be mad at me....I'll entertain you...I promise. *dances*

I don't know....stupid me.

Those 5 years in Bermuda slide by like the lights of passing ships.

Kurd: "Uh...are you talking to me or the universe?" (what the hell??)

"Know what's cool? When you stop DOING EVERYTHING!" -Jeff

"UUUNNNNNHHH!!! I CAN'T OPEN MY LOCKER!!!" -Sahar, god I HATE her voice

"Down with Hogan and his Addy-inspiring facist empire!" -Ryan

"Yeah the first Harry Potter was just like "I HAVE A SCAR ON MY FACE!" -Ryan


"You don't need friends for a party! All you need is this! *pours water on tile floor and squeaks it with his shoe*" -Andrew WK

Hogan: "There's not even a mark!"
Me: "Yes there is look!!!"
Hogan: "No Addy, no mark, I'm no Zach."

"If anyone's eating George it's me..." -Tommy

"Oh you'll get yours.." -Turgel after we put 3 alka seltzers in his powerade

Hogan: "OH GOD!! MY BALLS!!!"
Tommy: "Sorry! I was just hiking you up!"
Hogan: "Yeah, hiking me up a few octaves.."

"Awww, Travis I was about to shovel her!!" -Hogan

So many quotes, ah....

Hogan sunk to a new low in biting today. He bit me right in the throat, and he has this one REALLY pointy tooth and it hurt so much, and it looked like I had a puncture wound in my jugular. Then he took it even further and bit me on the forehead!! Now I have this really terrible mark on my forehead. Yeah thanks alot Bitey McHeadington.

Nick and Hogan also had this brilliant plan to zip-tie my hands together. They were working at it for a good 15 minutes or so, every time resulting in me and Hogan falling out of the chair, me looking in some kind of ready-position, and Nick failing miserably at putting the tie on my wrists, and me punching Nick in the nuts. I fell on my elbow though, and it bled, and everyone knows how much I can't stand my elbows even bring touched, it sucked. (p.s. Nick and Hogan did not succeed despite their up for Addy)

Afterwards we went to SCW. We played Starcraft and it was fun. Then we had to play day of defeat and it wasn't fun. I wanted to play Age Of Empires, but no dice. SCW is so hot, and it made me really sick to my stomach. Wahh.

I'm having a major dilemma lately though. It's so complicated and wierd. Don't bother asking me no matter who you are. I probably won't tell you....that goes for everyone...I-N-F-I-N-T-Y (<--intentional Hogan)

Why do I always feel so unwanted EVERYWHERE I go?

Please don't go mom...i NEED you....

Your heart, you think it's getting smaller, it's been that way for quite some time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004
-...smooth (zach's blog just reminded me of cool)

Me: "Uh this is a bit wierd, but can I have a plastic spoon?"
Subway guy: "Haha, what do you need it for?"
Me: "Does it really matter?"
SG: "Well yes, because if you're going to use it to eat that ice cream you have there, i'll give you a spoon. But say if you were using it for...building a weapon of mass destruction, I wouldn't give it to you."
Me: "Touché."
SG: "ah what the hell, you're cute. Even if you were going to destroy the world with the spoon i'd give it to you anyways."

"WOO WOO! NEXT STOP! YOUR THIGHS!!" -Hogan when I was eating ice cream

Me: "OH GOD MY BOOBS!!!!!"
Hogan: "*laughing so hard* Sorry!! I forgot they were there!!"

First off, Happy Birthday Jeremy, you own, yes yes you do.

I bought myself a new sketchbook and about 38573932 Sharpies, I love them.

That's about all. Ice cream is good and Hogan sucks for being lactose intolerant.

Can we have one last dance?

Monday, February 16, 2004
I just saw something that made me so angry, holy. The following is taken from my friend Stef's blog:

I just had the law layed down for me. So here's the law, spread the word...

1. I must be home by 5pm on schoolnights

2. freetime from 5pm to 7pm, no internet, only phone and tv

3. from 7pm-11pm must be studying or doing homework, no talking to freinds, no computer, no phone calls

4. on weekends, only allowed out 2 nights, other night, must stay home and study and do homework

5. no internet access until all subjects have an 80%

Alright, so I know it's not my place to say anything here really. But holy, I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels a little for poor Steff here. I mean, it's important to get good grades I know, but don't you think the parents here are taking it a bit too far? I'm not saying my parents are totally perfect or anything, if anything I wish my parents had a bit MORE control over me, but seriously, parents do this and wonder why their kids are depressed and commit suicide. It just seems to me like another example of parents treating kids like slaves in order to get them to acheive what they never could, or keeping up the family tradition or something. For god's sake, if you'd start treating your kids like equals I'm sure they would probably be much more respectful and try harder to be better. I know that's what happened to me....

Ok, i'm done, back to your lives civilians...

"Two pieces of bacon are sitting in a frying pan. One turns to the other and says "Pretty hot in here eh?" The other one says..."OH MY GOD!!! TALKING BACON!!!" -Me

Yeah shut up, it made Sam laugh.

Boys shoot to thrill, from the hip.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

"AH!! WHY ARE YOU SO BASHFUL?!?!?!" -Hogan

"Or as I like to call him....Guy LeDouche" -Hogan

Proof #5876947 That Hogan And Cedric Are Clones:
Hogan: *writes "Addy says: 'I love the cock'" on a box*
Me: "I've never said that..."
Hogan: "Never said what?"
Me: "What you wrote there."
Hogan: "What did I write Addy?"

Today = the epidimy of all that is boring (hence the barely any quotage)

Work was soooooooooooo boring today, oh my god. There was absoloutly nothing funny that happened, only a few times when I was in massive amounts of pain because of Hogan. Those guys that came in late were SO funny though, oh my god I want to be friends with them so they can take me to Swiss Chalet in my paintball gear.

I can't wait for tuesday, I'm going to get slaughtered 8 times over, but my, is it ever going to be fun.

A very artsy mood today...considering busting out the pencils and sketching some random things I find. Yes I'm a loser, ah well....I got to see Boots, heh heh.

My ticklish spot has been discovered....what ever shall I do....

Everyone loves a tragedy in epic proportions.


"Arrr!! Fairly be warned be thee says I!!! -Hogan in a pirate accent

"*draws all over me with a red marker* ADDY STOP CUTTING YOURSELF!!" -Hogan

"I never thought Addy would end up marrying this guy....I ALWAYS thought she'd end up marrying this guy named Tommy Nestman. Tommy Nestman was borin in 1984 *continues telling life story*" -Hogan telling a story....if he came to my completely sauced....and somehow got hold of a microphone

"Geez! That wood was right between my legs!" -some girl at hockey I overheard telling one of her teammates...yes i'm immature....wanna fight about it?

Hmm....2 in the morning eh? What a good time to just get home from work. Ah well...I'm happy, I watched Pirates of the Carribean with Hogan, it was good fun....espescially when everyone on that one ship started yelling "HUZZAH!" ....indeed....

We lost at hockey today, it sucked. There was 7 players, 7!! And one of them got hurt like the 3rd shift they were on!! So how many times did Addy come off the ice the whole game? 2!!!! YES 2!!! Stupid Jessica...ooh I'll get her.

So I'm going to say that this week has officially been a horrible week. Not many people know why...and if you do know why, well...yeah. I'd just like to thank everyone who did a little something to brighten my days up a little bit over the last little while. You guys rock, and I don't know what I'd do without you. That means all the guys from work and elsewhere, AND JOCEY BECAUSE SHE'S MY SPECIAL GIRL!!! Specially thanks to Hogan, you are the anchor that gives my spirit liscence to soar. Oh, and espescially to Zach as well....I really just can't describe how you've made me mean so much to me. YOU ALL DO!! AAHH, LOOOOVE!!!

Celebrate a brand new day, every day.

Saturday, February 14, 2004
Mrs. Soni: "Ah...I got into the sauce again."
Me: "yeah that's what she said..." (so what if I said it to myself?)

"Good god I'm FUCKING AMAZING!!!" -Hogan

"Man, I got served...." -Dave Have

"Yeah..yeah Addy...just people changing in here, just stroll right on in like you own the place...yeah." -Travis when I walked in on him changing, heh heh

I'll just start off by saying, wow Jocey, you are so right. I mean, I love valentine's day as much as the next person, and I really really loved the roses I got from Zach, but it just made me a bit sad that every girl who talked to me was like "You got roses? That's so sweet!!" But in reality, roses don't compare to the absolute amazingness that Zach is every day. I mean, these other people see the roses he bought me, I see the time he stayed in bed with me watching movies for 6 hours when I was sick. I see the time he brought me lunch and helped me paint my room. I see the time he ran all the way to my house after me to apologize for a stupid fight we had. I see the way he tells me I'm beautiful and bites my nose. There's so much more than just the materialistic stuff, and it just boggles my mind how some people anilyze it so much to the point where they can almost measure how much someone cares for them by the amount of money they spend. I must admit, I'm a sucker for old fashioned romance, and the roses were a nice touch to a bad week, but still...even if Zach hadn't have got me anything, like Jocey and Shay, god I would've been happy just knowing that he was going to call me that night at work and tell me he loved me to keep me going through the day. Really, in the end it all comes down to what you have when you take everything away, each other.

So enough with the mushy stuff for now...Well...considering I have nothing left to blog about...I don't know, I only have one more thing to say.

Once again, thank you so much Hogan for being there for me again. There's times I seriously don't know what I would do without you.

A real love survives a Rock Steady vibe.

Thursday, February 12, 2004
okay lets start off from scratch ina fight who would win

Hogan vs. Sam Esquire...strength wise
Hogan vs. Sam Esquire....intelligence wise

I would ...Sam would wuin its me typing har har bleh. secondly...i am a wicked smal country so none of you steal form me....jerks......thirdly........sam equal smart.
oh and thats right addy fight the good fight. ps addy is this smart... i am this smarter.... . thats right all you can do now is respect.

Cedric: "See you later Addy, thanks for stopping by."
Me: "But came to my house."

Cedric: "Ok man, I'm really sorry about the flowers."
Creepy guy: "Don't apologize to me...apologize to yourself."

Jeff: "AH!! *punches Cedric in the face."
Cedric: "AGH! I only wanted a hug...."

"HEY A BANANA!" -Cedric

"I know...lets look at Zach...then look back at each other and laugh." -Cedric

*me and cedric both look over to see a Husky standing ever so majestically....*
Cedric: "That's it, I'm outta here."


So as you've probably noticed, all my quotes are Cedric quotes. Mostly because I was just daydreaming today about that kid. Man do I ever miss him. He was so nice....not like a few of my other friends...oh no...I feel a rant coming on....

So I saw today, that a few of my friends who shall remain un-named....are being stupid greedy bastards. If I may explain. Yesterday about 20 of us all went out to lunch at Pizza Hut. We were all planning on having the buffet, which is about 7$ each. I brought about 40$ with me, in case some people wanted to come, but didn't have enough money. Now, Sam had 5$, so I was prefectly willing to pay for him. So the time came to pay the bill, and Sam threw in his 5$, and in the end we had enough without me having to pay for anyone extra, cool. So TODAY *anonymous* goes up to Sam and says, "Sam, you owe me 5$"...and then "yeah i put 20$ in for me and someone you owe me 5$"...and that's all I heard since I was standing at my locker. It occurs to me...that if you do the math right, Sam would only owe this person 3$ at the most, but that's not even my point. My point is, why did this person even take it upon themselves to figure out that Sam owed them money? And even more so since it was such a small amount of money!? I mean seriously, if you're so greedy and stuck up that you can't stand to lend a friend 3$ so they can come out and eat with you...then wow, that sure says alot about your personality doesn't it? I mean, just the other night, I bought my friend dinner for more than 3$, and did I ask him to pay me back? Did I even care? No, because he's my friend, and money is stupid, and I really couldn't care less. Plus I know that he would've done the same for me in this situation. It's not that hard to just be generous once in a while you know.

On another point...said anonymous person has also immensly contradicted many many things they have told me over periods of time. Like for instance, this person constantly rants about how the US is so horrible and steals money from poorer countries and bullies them into getting what they want. It seems to me *said person*, that you have pretty much done EXACTLY the same thing to poor Sam. You call the US greedy? You just did math, hunted down your friend, and cornered him, all for a mere 3$. If you're going to call anyone else greedy (US, bands that "sell out" according to you), then maybe you should look carefully about what you're doing before you wear shirts that say "don't steal, the government hates competition".

Oh, and you're lucky you didn't do this to me instead of Sam, because you would've gotten the bird and a swift punch in the face.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004
*in math class*
Me: Hey, are you in Zach and Stephen's math class?"
Sam: "No...i'm in this one..."
Me: "oh...right..."

Shay: "Oh my god, Stephen's crying."
Me: "What the hell?! Why????"
Shay: "Ashley just slapped him..."
Shay: "Yeah...and you're so gullible Addy."

"HEH HEH HEH HEH....." -Little kid in pizza hut, with the most maniacal voice ever

"EEEWWWW...this pizza doesn't havea Hot Topic logo on it!!" -Zach's impression of the kids beside us in pizza hut

"WOAH THERE JOCELYN! SLOW DOWN!!" -Shay commenting on Jocey's eating...even though it took her 10 minutes to eat one tiny slice of pizza

"It looks like a black person exploded..." -Zach

"God I'm amazing..." -Hogan

"GOOOOOD GOOOOOD" -Hogan and Tommy

"Our little Addy's growing up..." -Hogan

"Yeah why don't you just get some more hickey's there hickey facey." -Hogan

Oh man I SO wish I could remember some quotes from Kirsten and Randy's little quarrel today. God it was hilairious. It was something about she wouldn't make him food, and every one of Randy's sentences ended with "MAKE ME PANCAKES BITCH!!". Me and Zach busted a gut laughing. Then I tried to snap a towel at Randy and ended up knocking a day-old cup of coffee alllllll over my kitchen. It was worth it to hear my sister scream, hahaha.


I got in a fight with my door this morning and ended up breaking the handle even more than it already was, now it's impossible for me to close my door without getting locked in my room...i was so angry i kicked it and left quite a mark....Addy: 1 Door: 0

I HATE CHEMICAL FORMULAS!!! I mean seriously, what application will that have at all in my lifetime??? I mean, I'll be at work as a music teacher, and this kid will come up and say "my trumpets all rusty" and i'll say "Oh that's because theCu2Fa7Na4 is reacting with the Pb8Fe4Ni6 to form an Ionic compound by the name of Random-Element Rustide. That doesn't fix your problem at all, but hey, I've confused you with alot of letters and numbers that are suppose to help you understand why all electrons want a full valence shell, but really I've just told you to think of shoes!!"....yeah...

Folk music is so cool, I want to be the bass player for a folk fiddler, god that would own.

Go watch it or I'll hunt you...

Love, peace...fight the good fight

P.S. Let's do things I'll tell my friends we did anyways *wink*

Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Hogan: "Hey Will! Did you know Addy hates black people?"
Me: "No that one washed off."
Hogan: "ok....well she loves da cack! It says so on her arm!"

"you're both banned for life..." -Will

"Imagine if people talked about their work the way we talked about ours. Like how we always talk about paintball and paintball at McDonalds if they were like 'HEY MAN! DID YOU SEE THAT NEW GRILL?? IT KICKS ASS!!'...i go there just to listen...and snicker." -Hogan

*Hogan tries to shove me into a snowbank. Cop drives past and gives us a shady look.*
Me: Yeah he probably thought you were trying to molest me."
Hogan: "More like, 'Hey I recognize her from somewhere..and who's that stand up gentlemen she's with?'"

"Hey! you look like you LOVE chocolate!!" -Girl at the Nutty Chocolatier...that hurts...really it does

So anyhow, boring day at school. I got my report card back...yay i suppose. 77 average sucks the wang chung. I failed careers, huzzah. Hogan says I'm going to be eaten alive in the militia co-op course...we'll see.....I'll die before I surrender, Tim.

So I've been thinking that I think I over anylize stuff sometimes. Like I just read Lord of The Flies...and somehow me and Ryan figured that the whole book was based on the bible and somehow Simon was jesus, and he died because he accepted the ways of the pig-head God and didn't have to suffer the hatred of the non-believers that I think about's's just a book Addy...just a book...ah I'm scaring myself.

So tonight was Addy's first expreience playing Age of Empires II...and sadly I must admit it WAS REALLY REALLY FUN. I got slammed by Hogan though, but hey, it was still good times. I'll be back to SCW soon to practice my skills...alright...

*note that in the previous paragraphs I once again referred to myself in the third person...DAMN YOU TOMMY!!!!!*

Dave says my blogs suck. Yeah well take this Dave...*mauls*..yeah that's what I thought. I'm not here to please you Dave...I'm here to please...Jeff....isn't that right Jeff? -Jeff: "Shut Up" *dissapears*


Peace and love ~Addy

P.S. Thursday is coming back to Toronto with the Warped tour...also with Fallout Boy and FATA...any offers to go with me?


In a fight....who would win....

a) Hogan vs. Tommy
b) Me and Tommy vs. Hogan
c) Hogan vs. Travis
d) Hogan vs. Every kid that came into Renegade that somehow knows his name
e) Godzilla vs. Mme Zuccala-Wren (come on, I had to put at least one random one in there)

I'll let you decide the answers....

Monday, February 09, 2004
Ben: "It sounds like an empty whipped cream can."
Me: "WHIPPED cream eh Ben?"
Ben: "...yes.."
Me: "You put emphasis on the wrong syllable"
Ben: "Uh.."
Zach: "Addy what the hell?"
Me: "He said it like this...WHIPPED cream, that's wrong!! It's supposed to be whipped CREAM."
Everyone: "Addy...whipped only has one syllable."

"EXCUSE ME!! *runs into Jocey at full speed*" -Little kid when me and Jocey were walking home

"That was my girlfriend...she needs me to pick up dried basil." -Steve...I guess it was one of those "you had to be there" things

Me: "Sam! Sam! Did you see Bootsy Collins on the Grammy's last night??"
Sam: "...shut up...seriously Zach do you even like her?"

"Ok so to make the chemical formula...all you have to remember is shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes..." -My science teacher making NO sense

Me: "Agree?...or disagree?"
Jocey: "Or agree to disagree?" (yeah I just realized now how lame that was...)

So choosing courses is officially so complicated. Fortunately I got a whole bunch of cool classes. I'm taking the militia co-op course, cool. World religions and physics? Cool. Music...hopefully I won't have Mrs. Hobbes...or 'the twat' as my mom called her...haha.

I finished reading Lord of the Flies, excellent. And yeah sorry Ryan, I don't see how it's really a..well..political book. Whatever, it scared me alot, that's all I know.

I had some really cool stuff to blog about, but dammit I really can't remember now. Oh life is so action packed I just can't fit it all into one blog, that's my excuse....losers.

Oh and Dave, my blogs aren't all the same, it's just that people actually understand them. You don't even talk in complete sentences...aaaaand one up for Addy.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Hogan:"Addy..wear your admiral costume."
Me: "No! I look so stupid!"
Hogan: "But if you wear it, when people ask you for stuff you can say 'IS THAT ANY WAY TO SPEAK TO A HIGHER COMMANDING OFFICER!?!"

"*in low wierd voice* Addy...this is your concience...take the tank home and scare your sister...scare the bejeezus out of her..." -Tommy

"Half man, half amazing." -Hogan

Me: "AH! He hit me in the bum again!!!"
Hogan: "Addy you don't have a have a HOT ASS!!! There's a difference."

Mitter: "Word on the street is you suck."
Me: "Word on the street is I hate you." (aahh, good to use the old line again...take that 'by the way I hate you' girl)

Spencer: "Hey Addy, what are you doing on wednesday?"
Spencer: "No! I'm not trying to pick her up!"
Hogan: "Good god, at least use a better'I am da-spencer of love'..." (in case you didn't get it, he meant it like "dispenser" of love.)

"*shoves bag full of money in my pants* TAKE IT ADDY!! AND WE'LL FLEE TO MÉ-HI-CO!!!!....THAT'S SPANISH FOR MEXICO!!!" -Hogan

Me: "hey it's Ellen Degenres."
Zach: "hahahaha...she' so gay."

Fun day. Hogan was in a good mood again and it made me really happy. He was biting me alllllll day again, but I'm used to it by now. I got him back though, left a good bruise too, sucka. He dressed me up as an "admiral" today too, it was embarassing. But in the end it was awesome because I got many of Hogan's super-lung-collapsing-leg-swinging-and-hitting-things hugs. It owned.


Scott is scary....very very scary. He was like "Addy, want to kiss my hand better?" and he was twirling my hair, and he hit me in the bum (or hot ass as Hogan called it). For god's sake I'll GIVE him my angel if he just leaves me alone.

Tommy is my concience, and a very wise one at that.

Hogan owns all that is Blitz.

Yeah bye

P.S. Melting away the fat....alright!

Saturday, February 07, 2004
"I go down, that's how I get home." -Tommy...he said that a while ago but I just thought of that tonight and it made me laugh

Argh, that's the only quote I'm choosing to attempt to remember because i'm in a realy bad mood. My day went horribly...

I woke up late and had to rush through the morning to get ready for work. Then I get downstairs and no one's home which = no ride for Addy. I had to boot it all the way to work to not be late, it sucked. I slipped so many times.

So I get to work and I'm tired as hell, and feeling very very sick to my stomach for some reason, and I just plain did not want to be working at all. Plus that FRIGGING ANNOYING James kid was there, asking me about a million times if he could use my means no you stupid i struggled through about 4 hours of my shift, when I started feeling hungry. And low and behold, I had forgotten all my money at home in my rush, and had nothing to eat. Good for a 10 hour shift eh? Dammit.

About an hour later, Tommy and Hogan got in one of their normal little scraps, when Tommy got all riled up and punched Hogan in the knee. Hogan went down hard and was in a horrible mood. He was like that for the rest of the night...and it sucks because I think I did something to piss him off too...I'm sorry Dave if I did do anything...I didn't mean to.

At the end of my shift, I realized Zach hadn't come to visit me like he said he might. Which made me sad because I never get to see Zach anymore. And that reminded me that I never see Jocey anymore made me upset. Argh....this is the most depressing blog ever....time to pull out the Dashboard I suppose and cry in the dark like a true emo kid.

Oh, and on top of all that...I'm getting fat.

Ok, bye.

"You will have great success with anything you put your hands on." -My fortune for today...the cookie told me so

"I got more definition than a dictionary!" -Me

Me: "Haha! you can't bite me through THAT many layers!!"
Hogan: "YEAH JUST WATCH!! *mauls*"

Nick: "HEY ADDY!"
Me: "What?"
Nick: "Games out there!!"

Beau: "Yeah *blah blah blah something about Hogan's mom I can't remember*"
Hogan: "yeah she's a cougar."

Cedric: "Hello?"
Girl: "I love you."
Cedric: "Good for you. *hangs up*"

"Just remember Addy...if I shoot's out of love..." -Tommy

"Wow were the most un-girly girl I ever met...up until this." -Hogan when I gave him his starburst bracelet

"MEE MEE MEEE MEEE MEE MEE MEE" -Derek doing....something

Wow I havn't blogged for a unlike me...

Anyhow, not too much interesting over the past few days. I've mostly just been hanging around the field alot. Playing Blitz alot...and Diddy Kong...god I own that frigging game.

Sam and Hogan are battling it out through my planner. God you people, take matters into your own hands and leave poor planny out of this..he did nothing to hurt you.

Hogan has some frigging wierd obsession with biting me. If it's a fetish than geez, more power to him, but just leave me out of it!! I have sooo many marks all down my arm from him. He even bit my ear today, that frigging hurt like mad.

I GOT MY ANGEL!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!! It's soooo nice and pretty, and it makes the coolest little "pop!" noise when it shoots. I adore's name is Professer Paddington.

Chinese food at midnight = cool
Everytime I die in Toronto = cool
Becoming the coolest paintball girl ever = cool
Zach = cool
My blanket (super blanket if you will) = cool
glasses = cool
Reminiscing about Jeff = cool

So many cool things, my life is looking up!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Me: "Oh god, how do you work this thing?"
Derek: "Just push the middle button to turn it on."
Travis: "And if it doesn't shoot, hit the top button twice and the bottom one once, then it'll say OK then hit the middle button three times and spin it around. If it says No Pressure. tap all the buttons simultaneously four times...and if it says Wumbo..well, youre fucked."

Me: "I made you a present."
Hogan: "oh no..what is it?"
Me: "Well it's homemade, and it's really pretty and colourful."
Hogan: " it macaroni art? Because I could go for some macaroni art."


So today was boring like any other day, except for the fact I bought 4 packs of starburst at lunch....mmm, starburst. Anyhow, we had to disect a cow eyeball in science class. It was gross to the max, it smelled so bad. It was cool though because we turned ours inside out and it was all pretty and blue. Me and Jocey named it old blue...yes I named a cow eyeball.

Not much else. Went to go play with the Flag Raiders guys last night, but I got there too late so I missed them. I ended up playing against Travis and Hogan, and Travis got me REAL good in the left arm, there's a HUGE bruise, it looks like Zach smacks me around, haha.

I'm getting my glasses soon, geez, took long enough.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004
"If you don't want me to tell your career choice to the class, just write it on the sheet and I won't. Like...if you wanted to be say...a gigolo." -Mr Boulton

Mom: "Well when you're done impulsing come meet me at Zehrs."

Mrs Soni: "You're on strike!"
Me: "What?"
Soni: "You're not writing what I told you to...YOU'RE ON STRIKE!!!!"

"can i buy your sweater?" -Jordan about a million times

"Aw Addy we got shafted..."-Jocey

First day back at school. I have to say I have all really sweet teachers, espescially Mr. Boulton. It was so great his speech about life goals..ahem..."They say you can acheive anything if you really can't, you have to be at least somewhat good at it, obviously." And Sam's in my math class, wOOt. Speaking of Sam, I'm sad to announce that I'm not his only experience of being to 2nd base anymore. It's shocking I know, but Sam has moved on to boobs other than my own. We'll always have the "four hours" eh buddy?

This guy Brian fell off his chair three times in science, it was pretty entertaining. Zach pulled a last year and wouldn't let me leave for class again, and it was really sweet. Like that whole "just one hug than you can go thing?", very smooth.

Ok, these starburst wrapper bracelets just simply baffle me. I've been sitting here for over an hour trying to figure out how to link them together. It's impossible I swear. If anyone knows how to do it, please please tell me.

I want ones.

Oh if you want it to be possesive it's just I-T-S....but if you want it to be a contraction it's I-T apostrophe S....scallywag.

Monday, February 02, 2004
"I think he likes them because it's the only two bassists in the world who could keep up an argument with their bass." -Zach

"...holy it's Jeepers Creepers." -Me

Tommy: "Yeah that Addy, she's good people."
Me: "...damn right she is."

"Got a sweet tooth there buddy!?" -Guy at Mac' what if I bought 20 Air Heads...those things are frigging good (now I know how Tommy feels)

So ok day for a day off school. Went to Zach's...then came back, and that was the extent of it, haha. I brought him chili in a bread bowl though, and I had my chicken stew which was superb. I also got Zach a pink was pretty.

I saw Spencer on the bus too. It was eventful...well not really considering all I said was "what are you doing here?" and he replied, "going to work." and i said, "cool"..then sat down. Good story Addy...thanks.

I beat Emogame 1...yes I rock.

Mmmmmm Caramel Brownie Ice Cream.....


Sunday, February 01, 2004
Derek: "yeah that kid with the pink angel hit 3 kids with 3 shots! It was glorious!"
Me: "Yeah that angel is mad accurate!!"
Tommy: "Did you say mad accurate...?"
Me: "yes...i say mad everything...."
Tommy: "Well how come it's never mad tommy eh?!?! You down on my shizzle yo?"

"ADDY! I'M DONE!!! I'M DONE FILLING!!!!! *hugs me and throws me about gleefully*" -Hogan

Travis: "'re slow like molasses in July!"
Travis: "...wait...Addy is it cold in July?"
Me: ""
Travis: "Ok...Molasses in December...good to see you're on top of things Addy."

"Hey....want a hickey?" -Hogan


Me: "yeah the guys aren't coming tonight."

"*gasps* WE CAN HAVE A GUN CLEANING PARTY!!!!!" -Tommy

"HI ADDY!!!!!!!!!" -Derek at 6:00AM...bastard

" anyone else getting fries? Because I don't want to be the only one eating fries or else I'll feel like a fatty." -Hogan in the drive thru at Tim's

So today was the BIG DAY. Ice Fire tourny. Hogan got all fancied up with a tie for the occasion. I'm very upset team swarm didn't win..oh well...nex year I suppose. Oh that reminds me, buying Specer's I worked 14 hours today from 6AM, not pretty to say the least. Although it did somehow save me from the "HUGE PLAN" for hockey tonight. I must admit I was a bit dissapointed...ah well.

We owned hockey, total amazing comeback? You could say that. Amanda I forgive you for tripping me so blatently and killing my finger...really I do.

Travis, the DM4 does look like a fish.

Not in the mood for my dad's attitude....AT ALL.

Jesse that really was the most perfect burger ever.

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